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How do I get a discord token?

To get a Discord Token, click on the blue link that says “Click to Reveal Token” (It’s under the Build-a-bot tab, beneath .... Jan 18, 2022 · To find your Discord token, you need to open Discord in your browser and press “CTRL” + “SHIFT” + “I”.

How do I log in to discord?

Logging in to Discord Open Discord. It’s the light blue icon with a white smiling game controller inside. Enter your email address and Discord password. This is the email address and password you used to sign up for Discord. Tap Login. You should now see your Discord home screen.

How do I use two-factor authentication in discord?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA for short) is a good way to add an extra layer of security to your Discord account to make sure that only you have the ability to log in. Start by clicking the lil' cog down by your username and avatar. DON'T GO ANYWHERE.

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